Types of Chickens We offer
Gold Laced Wyandotte
Black Australorp
Production Reds
Buff Orpington
Rhode Island Reds
Silver Laced Wyandotte
Easter Egger
Silkie Bottoms
Barred Rock
Cornish Rock
Chick estimated arrival dates (note: dates may vary a day or two):
Delivery dates can vary. Chicks are shipped through USPS and are ready for pickup at 8 a.m. They will be transported to the store after this. Expect an 8:30-9:00 a.m. arrival on the dates listed below. Grogan’s will post on Facebook once chicks are unboxed and ready to be sold. Due to current demand, Grogan’s can not hold chicks or take credit cards over the phone for them. All chicks will be first come, first serve.
3/27/25 THURsday
25 Black Australorp Females
25 Silver Laced Wyandotte Females
25 Blue Olive Egger Females
25 HC Cochin Females
25 HC Silkie Bantam Straight Runs
25 HC Rare Turkeys Straight Runs
4/1/25 TUESDAY
25 Rhode Island Red Females
25 Buff Orpington Females
25 Lavender Orpington Females
25 Blue Copper Maran Females
25 Cuckoo Maran Females
4/8/25 TUESDAY
25 Red Star Females
25 Barred Rock Females
25 Easter Egger Females
25 Light Brahma Females
25 Barnevelder Females
25 Welsummer Females
25 Gold Wyandotte Females
4/17/25 THURSday
25 Rhode Island Females
25 Cream Legbar Females
25 Lavender Orpington Females
25 Speckled Sussex Females
25 Blue Copper Maran Females
25 Cuckoo Maran Females
25 HC Rare Turkey Straight Runs